Foundation Ukraine serves as a non-public finance sector partner in the project “Foreigners’ Integration Centers in Lower Silesia”, implemented under the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund (2021-2027). As part of the initiative, Foreigners’ Integration Centers will be established to provide comprehensive support for the integration of migrants in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, excluding accommodation and lodging services.
Project goal
The project aims to create a comprehensive support network that will help migrants adapt to life in Poland and integrate with the local community.
This initiative was developed in response to the growing needs and challenges faced by migrants in Lower Silesia. Many foreigners encounter language barriers, complex administrative procedures, and a lack of an accessible support system, making daily life significantly more difficult. Therefore, we have created a space where migrants can receive informational, legal, educational, and social support in one place while also feeling part of the local community. Our goal is to facilitate their start in a new country and help them build a stable future in Poland.
Who are the Foreigners’ Integration Centers for?
The planned activities will target:
- Third-country nationals residing in Lower Silesia,
- Members of the host society,
- Institutions and organizations that work with and for migrant communities.
Our actions – comprehensive support for foreigners
The key aspects of the project include eliminating administrative, linguistic, and social barriers for migrants. As part of the project, four Foreigners’ Integration Centers will be established in major cities in the region: Wrocław, Wałbrzych, Legnica, and Jelenia Góra. These centers will serve as first-contact points for migrants, providing professional guidance and support in various aspects of life in Poland.
Foundation Ukraine’s activities in the project:
- Establishing and managing four Foreigners’ Integration Centers.
- Organizing 45 Polish language courses at different proficiency levels (A1/A2, B1/B2) for both Slavic and non-Slavic language groups (Wrocław).
- Running four information and advisory points offering ongoing assistance with administrative, family, residency, healthcare, and housing issues.
- Providing legal support related to employment, labor rights, and family law.
- Conducting 20 online adaptation and information trainings: “Foreigners in Poland” covering residence and work legalization, as well as knowledge of Polish law.
- Organizing 160 integration and anti-discrimination LEGOⓇ SERIOUS PLAYⓇ workshops for students in culturally diverse schools (grades IV–VIII).
- Operating two infolines: one for combating human trafficking and the other for domestic violence prevention.
- Delivering 40 training sessions for public administration and education workers (e.g., school supervisors, intercultural assistants, etc.) on integration and working with a multicultural society.
- Hosting 10 public debates on relations between migrants and the host community.
- Supporting cooperation between public administration institutions that provide services and support for third-country nationals, including advocacy for migrants and networking initiatives.
- Conducting 10 specialized training sessions on human trafficking and modern slavery for center staff and professionals working with migrants.
Partnership within the project
The project is implemented in partnership. The lead partner is the Lower Silesian Center for Social Policy, with the following project partners:
- Foundation Ukraine – non-public finance sector partner,
- Lower Silesian Voivodeship Office,
- Lower Silesian Center for Continuing Education in Legnica,
- Regional Development Agency ARLEG SA,
- Lower Silesian Teacher Training Center in Wrocław.
Creating an open future for Lower Silesia
Through the Foreigners’ Integration Centers in Lower Silesia project, our region will gain a modern and efficient support system for migrants. We not only assist foreigners in their daily lives, but also foster the development of a strong, diverse, and inclusive community.
Foreigners’ Integration Centers are more than just support hubs—they are spaces for building a future where diversity is a strength, and integration is the key to shared growth.Project Budget: 43,358,126.90 PLN
Funding: 90% co-financed by the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund, with the remaining 10% contributed by project implementers.
Action schedules and information regarding the current stages and progress of the project are regularly published on the following social media channels:
Fundacja Ukraina
#Funds #EuropeanFunds
The “Foreigners’ Integration Centers in Lower Silesia” project is co-financed by the National Program of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund.