We work with people and for people__

An open platform for education and integration in the heart of the city. Cultural events, informational support, educational and social initiatives. Since 2013, Foundation Ukraine works with people and for people in the authentic multicultural environment of Wrocław.

Discover the possibilities for cooperation with Foundation Ukraine__

Do you share our values and want to support Foundation Ukraine’s activities? We are extremely thankful! Find out how you can help.

Our results for 2024 __


projects implemented in the areas of adaptation, legalization, and integration of migrants


 refugees received
temporary accommodation


foreign students in 30 schools of Lower Silesia received support from intercultural assistants in adaptation


 recipients of our events

wydarzeńia CUKR


free consultations provided at our Institute of Migrant Rights


 food packages sent as part of the “Help UA Package” project to the most affected people in Ukraine


participants of Polish language courses provided by Foundation Ukraine

18k PLN

donated to cities affected by the flood crisis

pomoc humanitarna

>45k PLN

for educational vouchers for 75 children from 60 refugee families living in centers in Lower Silesia

> 430

events organized and held

Our Partners __

DUW Logo
DS Logo
Wroclaw logo
Konsulat UA Logo
Impel Logo
Hewlett Packard Logo
Monterail Logo
BNY Logo
Unity Logo
Tony Logo
SUW Logo