Foundation Ukraine always works on increasing the number of language meetings and its quality, so that everyone will be able to take part in language courses, speaking clubs and invite events led in different languages. More about learning languages with us, read below.
Language courses LET’S MÓW
It is the most popular project among migrants who want to learn the Polish language. The courses are created for people who just begin learning.
Our propositions of the course are unique:
- Every participant will get needed stationery, books, and materials written by the leading teachers of the Polish language.
- Moreover, the distinctive characteristic of the course is the schedule planned with particular hours chosen by students.
- Students can learn the Polish language and at the same time also check their knowledge at the end of the course. The project Let’s Mów is finished with an exam for participants and the best students. They have the possibility to write the Certificate Examinations in Polish as a Foreign Language for free.
- Let’s Mów is a unique course of the Polish language that is the most famous among other similar courses, especially by its price. For learning the Polish language you will pay only 384 zł for 128 hours without any additional costs.
For applying for the course, please, fill in the form
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the coordinators of the project:
Projekt „Integracja, adaptacja, akceptacja. Wsparcie obywateli państw trzecich zamieszkałych na Dolnym Śląsku” współfinansowany jest z Programu Krajowego Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji oraz budżetu państw
English Speaking Club – ABC: Argy-Bargy
For a long time, Wroclaw is known as the open multicultural city. Foundation Ukraine, from its side, not just helps to improve the Polish language, but also looks for the universal key to communication with representatives from different countries. This key is the English language. During the meetings of ABC: Argy – Bargy Club ( former English Speaking Club ) we meet migrants from different countries and have the possibility to share our traditions, culture, and experience of integration with Polish society.
The beginning of October started with the new project “Get involved in multiculturalism” of Foundation Ukraine financed by the Europen Commission. The project is concentrated on the young people aged 14-25 y.o. who want to integrate with Polish society and find new friends. The project includes meetings in English devoted to the topic of migration. This is a special opportunity to meet new people and share your experience. Participation in ABC: Argy – Bargy club is free without any additional registration.
Meetings are held twice a week on Tuesdays at 7 pm and Thursdays at 6 pm. More information and details are here: .
Polish Speaking Club
Meetings of the Polish Speaking Club are the unique opportunity to improve speaking skills for those who are in Poland for a long time and migrants who have just moved. These meetings help us to not just increase our speaking skills, but also to share experience in integration with the new society.
We discuss the problems and difficulties that are faced by each migrant in Poland. During each session, we are looking for their solvings.
Participation is always free without any reservation. The level of your Polish does not matter. We are open to everyone. Meetings are held twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays at 7 pm.
More information you can find here:
Wydarzenia odbywają się w ramach projektu “Program integracyjny Ruska 46A” współfinansowanego przez Gminę Wrocław.
Come to our language course and speaking clubs and improve your language skills together with us!