
Seminar “Employment: Labor Law” on 20th of June 2019__

On June 20, from 17:00 to 19:00, we invite you to the next information and adaptation seminar “Employment: Labor Law”. The event is part of the course “Poland – My Place”. Entrance is free of charge.

What issues will be discussed during the seminar?

Differences, disadvantages and advantages of an employment contract, contract of commission, other types of contracts;

Payment for work at night and overtime;

Rights and responsibilities of employees, employers;

Weekends, holidays and social assistance in Poland;

Rights of pregnant women at work.


To become a participant, please fill in the registration form

Only citizens of third countries (outside the EU) may take part in the meeting.

The seminar is provided by an experienced lawyer of the Foundation Ukraine.


The meeting will be held in Polish, but we can offer you a translation provided by our volunteers. They can also help you with a translation of complex legal terms. Please contact us at least 48 hours before the event starts:

Participation requirements:

A participant must bring with him/her a passport and a residence card if any is available.

Please arrive 15 minutes earlier to confirm your registration and take a seat.

The maximum allowed delay is 15 minutes after which the participant will not be allowed to take part in the workshop.


Contact us using this e-mail:

Projekt „Integracja, adaptacja, akceptacja. Wsparcie obywateli państw trzecich zamieszkałych na Dolnym Śląsku” współfinansowany jest z Programu Krajowego Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji oraz budżetu państwa.