
Ukraine/boys serious play. Building the psychological well-being of Ukrainian boys__

The first stage of the project “Ukraine/boys serious play.

Building the psychological well-being of Ukrainian boys” is behind us 🙋🏽 ✨ 

📌 At the beginning of this year, we published a post about a new project, funded with support from the Tutaj Fund organized by Ashoka, which we undertook to implement. The project aimed to support boys aged 15-18 from Ukraine in dealing with emotional difficulties and cultural adaptation in Poland.

↪️ As part of the project, we organized a workshop group for teenage boys from Ukraine, using elements of sociotherapy and the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) method. The group conducted interactive workshops, integration meetings, and streetworking activities. Fifteen boys from Ukraine participated in the activities – both those studying in Polish schools and those remote learning.

Our actions aimed to identify the diverse causes of the problems that boys from Ukraine faced in Poland. The pilot nature of the project also allowed us to test various methods and techniques of working with youth, which enabled us to develop effective support strategies for this social group in the past. We tested to what extent the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method facilitated group work and met their needs and interests.

Throughout the project, we observed a gradual development of relationships within the group and its potential to build lasting bonds and engage in collective activities. We noticed how the use of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method positively influenced the collaboration among the project participants. Building with blocks and discussing the outcomes of their work enhanced the level of openness and engagement of all participants. Additionally, we inferred that the group has the potential to evolve into a permanent team, meeting regularly and undertaking joint initiatives.

The detailed description of our activities within the project is gathered in the publication “Ukraine/boys serious play. Toolkit. About our experimental experience and ideas for scaling the project,” which you can access through the following link: 

Ukraine / boys serious play – Fundacja Ukraina

In the Toolkit, we describe the method we used during the workshops, our experiences in implementing the project, the opinions of the boys – both workshop participants and those we encountered in Wałbrzych. Finally, we put five anti-scenarios – tools for use in planning similar activities – into the hands of the readers.

Our publication is addressed to other people working with youth who are interested in the possibilities of using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method in their work.

A detailed description of all the activities within the project and ideas for its scaling are presented in the toolkit:

Read more about the project on our website at the following link:

To achieve the intended social change, it is crucial for us to continue the work with the group of Ukrainian boys and involve them in activities that will further their integration and development. We would like our project to have a real impact on the situation of refugee youth in Poland. Therefore, we aim to maintain the continuity of weekly meetings, using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method as a way to facilitate group actions and decisions.

After the successful completion of the first stage of the project, we received permission from ASHOKA to continue it. The second stage will be implemented under the name “LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® IN ACTION” for the period 01.04.2024-30.09.2024..

🎓 During the further implementation of the project, we want to shift the focus of LSP activities to external action. We want to see how a group that gathers around LEGO for integration will be able to use this method to plan and achieve their goals.→  Follow our social media channels to stay updated on the latest initiatives and projects in cooperation with Ashoka!



This project is implemented with the support of the Tutaj Fund initiated by the Ashoka organization.