Start reStartu

Fundacja Ukraina ogłasza start nowego integracyjno-edukacyjnego projektu reSTART, który zaistniał dzięki międzysektorowej współpracy organizacji pozarządowych, władz samorządowych i biznesu na rzecz integracji międzykulturowej migrantów z krajów trzecich i będzie bogaty o wszelkiego rodzaju inicjatywy

Volunteer for the one year project European Solidarity Corps “For YOUnity” WANTED!

Volunteer in Event Organization/Management Department wanted! We are looking for a person which will be working in the information center for the migrants — CUKR. The main tasks of the volunteer: assistance in planning

The first results of the campaign “Know, hire, gain”

Activities in the framework of the campaign "Know, hire, gain" has already started! We are very honored to present our first advertising materials that have been implemented since the end of 2019. Our outdoor

Specialist consultations in CUKR

InfoCUKR is the unique informational point for foreigners that provides free information advice and free consultations from specialists in the law system, integrational problems, and vocational guidance. Our doors are open for all of

The schedule of the seminars in February? What we have prepared for you?

In February we are going to organize even more seminars in the framework of the adaptational and integrational course "Poland is my place", during which our lawyer will tell you about the questions connected

Summarizing the EduForUM

EduForUM is a special thematic conference, the next edition of the conference ForUM - For Unity of Migrants 2019. The meeting became a real debate and cooperation platform for three groups of experts who

Poszukujemy wolontariuszy do jednorocznego projektu „For YOUnity”, który odbędzie się w ramach Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności

Fundacja Ukraina we Wrocławiu poszukuje wolontariuszy do jednorocznego projektu. Wolontariusze będą pracować w centrum informacji dla migrantów - CUKR (Centrum Ukraińskie Kultury i Rozwoju). W projekcie mogą wziąć udział 3 wolontariuszy które będą zaangażowani

Volunteers for the one year project European Solidarity Corps “For YOUnity” WANTED!

Fundacja Ukraina in Wroclaw looking for volunteers for the one year project European Solidarity Corps "For YOUnity. The project involves 3 volunteers. Volunteers will be involved to work in Advertising Department, Event Organization/Management Department

Расписание тренингов в декабре

В этом месяце вас ждет следующий цикл семинаров в рамках адаптационно-интеграционного курса "Польша - мое место", во время которых наш юрист подробно расскажет о видах  медицинского страхования, о том, как работает Нижнесилезское Воеводское Управление

Summarizing the past activites within the FAMI project

The end of the year is coming, so it's time for sharing with you the results of the biggest project "Integration, adaptation, acceptation. Support of third-country citizens nationals in Lower Silesia", which involve the

The schedule of the seminars in December

This month, the new cycle of seminars within the framework of the adaptional integrative course "Poland is my place" is already waiting for you! Our law experts will give you consultations about the types

Free state certificate exam in Polish as a foreign language for students of the language course “Let’s mów”  

Thanks to participation in the Polish language course organized by Foundation Ukraine, which is co-financed by the EU, there is the possibility to write the state certificate exam in Polish as a foreign language

Edukacja dla migrantów – konferencja 21.11.2019

21 listopada organizujemy EduForUM - specjalną edycję corocznego wydarzenia o charakterze seminaryjnym ForUM for Unity of Migrants, która będzie poświęcona edukacji cudzoziemców na różnych szczeblach. Czym jest ForUM (for Unity of Migrants)? ForUM to

Dancing together

On November 3rd, we have had a great opportunity to organize a dance flash-mob "Dance with us", which is included in the project "Get Involved in Multiculturalism" co-financed by the European Union. The project

Volunteer for the one year project European Solidarity Corps “For YOUnity”

Volunteer for the one year project European Solidarity Corps "For YOUnity" WANTED! The volunteer will be working in the information center for the migrants - CUKR(The Center of the Ukrainian culture and development). The

Kształcimy, wspieramy, promujemy! Rusza kampania “Wiem, zyskuje, zatrudniam”

Polski rynek pracy wciąż potrzebuje pracowników cudzoziemskich. Dzisiaj nie tylko korporacji wychwalają zalety zespołów wielokulturowych, lecz także średnie i małe przedsiębiorstwa chętnie zatrudniają pracowników z innych krajów. Dzielenie się doświadczeniem, wielojęzyczność, inna kultura pracy,

Studying in November

"Poland is my place" is the unique adaptive informational course, that not just contributes to migrants' integration in Polish society, but also helps in obtaining new competencies and improving particular skills connected with general

Kształcimy, wspieramy, promujemy! Rusza kampania “Wiem, zyskuje, zatrudniam”

Polski rynek pracy wciąż potrzebuje pracowników cudzoziemskich. Dzisiaj nie tylko korporacji wychwalają zalety zespołów wielokulturowych, lecz także średnie i małe przedsiębiorstwa chętnie zatrudniają pracowników z innych krajów. Dzielenie się doświadczeniem, wielojęzyczność, inna kultura pracy,

Language courses and speaking clubs in CUKR

Foundation Ukraine always works on increasing the number of language meetings and its quality, so that everyone will be able to take part in language courses, speaking clubs and invite events led in different

Integrational project “Get involved in Multiculturalism” during 2019-2020

The project of Foundation Ukraine "Get involved in Multiculturalism" is the new wave of integrational events, focused on creating a multicultural society. The initiative, which is aimed to provide equal participation of migrants in

Foundation Ukraine has become a partner of the conference “Made in Wrocław”

Foundation Ukraine always supports significant initiatives. Recently, we have taken part in the event "Gajowice without borders", festival "Our common independent" organized by DUW. This time, we will support the conference important for citizens

“Poland is my place”. Events in October

"Poland is my place" is the unique adaptive informational course, that not just contributes to migrants' integration in Polish society, but also helps in obtaining new competencies and improving particular skills connected with general

Informational workshops for teachers and lecturers from Foundation Ukraine

Foundation Ukraine devotes special attention to the education of migrants. We conduct law seminars, integrational workshops and social gatherings for people of different nationalities who help to fight with prejudice. Informational consultations for migrants

Another batch of workshops in September

Apartment to rent, Video Workshop, the tax system in Poland!  Foundation Ukraine has gone the extra miles since the academic year started! We have prepared 3 workshops where the main aim is to support

InfoCUKR – informational support for migrants in the city centre!

Informational point InfoCUKR was opened in 2016. Since that time consultants of Foundation Ukraine have helped more than 1000 migrants from Ukraine, Russia, India, Iran, Syria, Israel, Georgia, Brasil, Belarus, Bangladesh, Argentina, Spain, France,

Language courses “Let’s mów” has already crossed the halfway point of the classes! The 5th cycle of learning has started on Friday!

A language is one of the key integrational elements in the new society. We use it for communication, expressing our opinion, discussing and having a dialogue with another person. Not to mention the fact,