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The schedule of the events in the project “Poland is my place” in March
We start the spring with the renewed schedule of seminars...
What steps does a migrant coming to Poland have to take care of?
This time, the Foundation Ukraine team together with a legal...
Top 5 Information Points for migrants
Ukraine Foundation specialists have developed a list of the best...
Top 5 Punktów Informacyjnych dla migrantów
Specjaliści Fundacji Ukraina opracowali zestawienie najlepszych placówek oferujących darmowe doradztwo...
Start reStartu
Fundacja Ukraina ogłasza start nowego integracyjno-edukacyjnego projektu reSTART, który zaistniał...
Volunteer for the one year project European Solidarity Corps “For YOUnity” WANTED!
Volunteer in Event Organization/Management Department wanted! We are looking for...
The first results of the campaign “Know, hire, gain”
Activities in the framework of the campaign "Know, hire, gain"...
Specialist consultations in CUKR
InfoCUKR is the unique informational point for foreigners that provides...
The schedule of the seminars in February? What we have prepared for you?
In February we are going to organize even more seminars...
Summarizing the EduForUM
EduForUM is a special thematic conference, the next edition of...
Poszukujemy wolontariuszy do jednorocznego projektu „For YOUnity”, który odbędzie się w ramach Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności
Fundacja Ukraina we Wrocławiu poszukuje wolontariuszy do jednorocznego projektu. Wolontariusze...
Volunteers for the one year project European Solidarity Corps “For YOUnity” WANTED!
Fundacja Ukraina in Wroclaw looking for volunteers for the one...
Расписание тренингов в декабре
В этом месяце вас ждет следующий цикл семинаров в рамках...
Summarizing the past activites within the FAMI project
The end of the year is coming, so it's time...
The schedule of the seminars in December
This month, the new cycle of seminars within the framework...
Free state certificate exam in Polish as a foreign language for students of the language course “Let’s mów”
Thanks to participation in the Polish language course organized by...
Edukacja dla migrantów – konferencja 21.11.2019
21 listopada organizujemy EduForUM - specjalną edycję corocznego wydarzenia o...
Dancing together
On November 3rd, we have had a great opportunity to...
Volunteer for the one year project European Solidarity Corps “For YOUnity”
Volunteer for the one year project European Solidarity Corps "For...
Kształcimy, wspieramy, promujemy! Rusza kampania “Wiem, zyskuje, zatrudniam”
Polski rynek pracy wciąż potrzebuje pracowników cudzoziemskich. Dzisiaj nie tylko...
Studying in November
"Poland is my place" is the unique adaptive informational course,...
Kształcimy, wspieramy, promujemy! Rusza kampania “Wiem, zyskuje, zatrudniam”
Polski rynek pracy wciąż potrzebuje pracowników cudzoziemskich. Dzisiaj nie tylko...
Language courses and speaking clubs in CUKR
Foundation Ukraine always works on increasing the number of language...
Integrational project “Get involved in Multiculturalism” during 2019-2020
The project of Foundation Ukraine "Get involved in Multiculturalism" is...
Foundation Ukraine has become a partner of the conference “Made in Wrocław”
Foundation Ukraine always supports significant initiatives. Recently, we have taken...
“Poland is my place”. Events in October
"Poland is my place" is the unique adaptive informational course,...