
Informational workshops for teachers and lecturers from Foundation Ukraine__

Foundation Ukraine devotes special attention to the education of migrants. We conduct law seminars, integrational workshops and social gatherings for people of different nationalities who help to fight with prejudice. Informational consultations for migrants is a source of obtaining answers to day-to-day questions. 

However, additional knowledge in the multicultural sphere is always needed among people who have contact with foreigners in educational institutions. Unfortunately, school is one of the places where stereotypes and discrimination always appears. To prevent such problems, teachers should get acquainted with psychological aspects related to the adaptation of foreigners in Poland, their sensitivity and needs.

The proposition of Foundation Ukraine

Thematic informational workshops for teachers, psychologists, and school principals. Free cycle meetings are aimed to support teachers in giving multicultural education, improving their knowledge about intercultural dialogue and providing practical advice about working in class with diverse nationalities

Moreover, all of the participants will get certificates that prove the completion of the training.  

Next workshops are scheduled on 13th and 15th of November.

Registration and detailed information

You can get more information about training here:

If you are interested in details or you would like to sign up for the training, feel free to write us here 

Projekt „Integracja, adaptacja, akceptacja. Wsparcie obywateli państw trzecich zamieszkałych na Dolnym Śląsku” współfinansowany jest z Programu Krajowego Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji oraz budżetu państwф