
Legal and psychological help for migrants in Lower Silesia__

Foundation Ukraine has already adapted to the new life in the world of coronavirus pandemic and helps migrants to work their way up! In the framework of the project ReStart, specialists of Foundation Ukraine teach migrants how to deal with stress and the legal consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic. Every week there are free online legal advice and free online psychological consultations on the Instagram page CUKR.


Coronavirus outbreak is a challenge for the whole world. Changes in the law, implementation of several restrictions, changes in the work processes of public offices and business, borders closing, and a full transformation of everyday life have touched almost every country. Poland is not an exception. The epidemic has also made a huge impact on the migrants’ life in Poland.  


Support of migrants during the coronavirus pandemic


The further the more questions appear on their way: How to rich home? How to enter Poland? How to prolong their legal stay? What to do if the employer forces you to get unpaid leave? How to apply for the residence permit? How to get social financial care during the forced leave from work? How to get financial childcare aid? Is it possible to apply for a visa? These and many other questions connected to the legal aspects, legalization of stay, “anticrisis shield” and employment process.  


Despite this, many migrants have lost their jobs. Most of them don’t even have anyone to leave their child with. Some of them deal with stress and depression and are looking for legal advice and psychological help. To support migrants in this difficult time, in the framework of the project reSTART, Foundation Ukraine has started remote free legal and psychological support online on Instagram.


Free legal advice consultations on Instagram


Every Monday at 6 pm we go live with the lawyer of Foundation Ukraine. During such consultations, anyone can ask a question and get the answer from the professionalist. The expert will also tell you about the important changes in the Polish law caused by the coronavirus epidemic, about the main principles of the anticrisis shields in the context of legalization of stay and migrants’ work in Poland during and after the epidemic. Also, there will be discussed implemented restrictions or mitigations of quarantine measures. 


Follow us on Instagram:, where you can join our free live transmissions and ask our lawyer any question you’re interested in.


Free psychological consultations on Instagram


For its part, every Wednesday at 6 pm psychologist of Foundation Ukraine goes live. During such an online event, we will talk about the importance of our mental health and discuss ways of how not to lose a mind within the four walls. The psychologist will reveal some special ways of dealing with the stress and consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic on your mental health. Moreover, there will be discussions of ways of communication with the closest ones, ways of how not to lose your inner self, and even the language of love. Every participant has the possibility to ask a question and get professional advice. 


You can join a free online transmission with the psychologist on our Instagram page:


Remote informational support for migrants


From the middle of March, our Infopoint InfoCUKR works remotely and provides consultations for migrants in four languages: Polish, English, Ukrainian, and Russian. 


Consultations are provided at our email address or by phone during the usual Infopoint’s working hours: from 2 pm to 8 pm on Mon, Wed, Fri, and between 10 am and 2 pm on Tue and Thur.

  • Phone number: 571330203
  • Email address:


During remote work, we have consulted more than 600 people and this amount is rising every day!


Fill in the declaration form and become a permanent participant of the reSTART project! 


Have you participated in our Instagram transmissions or consulted our Infopoint specialists? Help Foundation Ukraine gather declarations of participants of the project so that we can continue organizing free events for migrants and receive funding from our grantors on online consultations! 


Fill in the declaration for participation in the project reSTART (Instrukcja-wypełnienia-oświadczenia-en) and become our permanent quest. During the next visits to CUKR (online and offline) or using the advice from our specialists, you will not be asked to fill in the form again. This will help us to fulfill the project’s requirements concerning the people who participate in the reSTART events and save your time. Send us your filled declaration at our email:


Filling rules (DO POBRANIA – Oświadczenie do ankiety online) and example of filled declaration (WZÓR – Oświadczenie do ankiety online).

Thank you for filling the declaration and using our consultations!


It is worth to mention that project reSTART has been created for intercultural integration of migrants from the third countries and has a wide range of several initiatives and events aimed to improve the process of migrants’ integration and adaptation in the Polish society. It is addressed to the third country nationalities who legally live in Lower Silesia and to the host society. Local employers, teachers, students, and their parents are among them. Go here to get to know more about the project:


Be informed about the activities of Foundation Ukraine!


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