
Summer of Equal Opportunities__

Implementation period: 01.06.24 - 31.10.24

Project Goal

The main goal of the project is to support Ukrainian children and youth with refugee experience residing in Wałbrzych and Jelenia Góra, especially those in temporary housing centers. We aim to provide them with equal opportunities by reducing the gap in socio-economic conditions through material, psychosocial, and educational support, particularly in developing language skills. We will also supply the necessary equipment for collective accommodation centers. 

Main Activities

  1. Adaptation support for children by intercultural assistants

Intercultural assistants will help children with refugee experience in the process of integration and adaptation to Polish society. In the collective accommodation centers, they will conduct events involving joint social activities and 32 hours of psychosocial and educational master classes.

  1. Material support for 75 refugee children 

After conducting an environmental diagnosis among the residents of temporary accommodation centers, we will select 75 people who need material support the most. Assistance in the form of Sodexo vouchers will be provided in particular to youth, children and their caregivers. 

  1. Aid for two collective accommodation centers 

Based on the needs analysis, we will provide the necessary equipment for those parts of the collective accommodation centers intended for children’s education, including furniture, books, games and other educational materials.

  1. Summer workshops: “On the Way with Polish School”

We organize two intensive 80-hour Polish language courses for 30 children aged 7-12 (one in Wałbrzych, the other in Jelenia Góra). The goal of the courses is to improve language skills, helping children better integrate into Polish schools and with their peers. 

The courses will include thematic field classes, such as biology workshops in parks or botanical gardens, chemistry workshops, and history lessons in city centers. Students will not only enhance their communication in Polish but also familiarize themselves with subject-specific terminology and establish contact with teachers.

The program is enriched with excursions and sports and cultural activities to engage participants and diversify their experiences.

We believe that together we can create a better future for refugee children and make Poland their second home.

The “Summer of Equal Opportunities” project is funded through the POP Fund.

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